Espresso Italien

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  • 2021-09-11
    Improv: Same coffee, but this time (~8PM now) by accident I ended up using colder than usual water for Aeropress (I could feel the lack of heat on first sip). Surprisingly there was a more pronounced coffee-y taste (chocolate-y/ nutty) (ie. little to none of that sour/bitter crap that makes drinking coffee resemble humdrum). Maybe Water Temperature matters more than I had thought, and that it may be worth investing in a variable-temperature Kettle? Evidently, the best tasting Espresso Italien so far.
  • 2021-08-30
    Improv: Second trying of Espresso Italien but Aeropress this time (instead of Moka Pot). Comandante dial 20; 150g hot (not boiling) water and 15g coffee, with 1+ min brew time. Taste - less Italian compared to yesterday with more aggreable notes. Verdict: Aeropress wins, for now. Satisfaction: Excellent A sweet after-taste lingers on (noticeable especially when drinking water) …
  • 2021-08-29
    Trying out Espresso Italien from IGA. Comandante dial 15; 200g water and 15g coffee in Moka Pot. Taste - Italian. Acceptable in the short-term; Meh.